On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 05:35:19PM +0100, M. Zuelsdorff wrote: > I am following the the discussion in the gentoo-dev group for more than a > year now. All I see is "a problem with this" and "a problem with that". > Some days ago, something even appeared to be "really fucked up". My > question: When do you expect Gentoo to become a final usable release? It is very normal that you frequently see problems arise on the mailinglist but rarely successtories. This is because of human nature: we will swiftly ask/seek for help (and the Gentoo Mailinglists are a good place to ask for help) but rarely just mail to tell it works... Think of it: if you emerge 10 tools, and 9 of them work flawlessly, you won't mail the mailinglist about those 9 tools do you? No, you're going to mail about the 10th tool that doesn't work. So your perception doesn't mean that Gentoo isn't usuable. Wkr, Sven Vermeulen PS Don't start posting messages like "net-www/apache works" "net-ftp/ncftp works" "app-office/openoffice works" "app-sci/octave works" "x11-wm/fluxbox works" ... "x11-base/xfree works" :-)