# Author: Jordi Böhme http://jordi-boehme.de S="${WORKDIR}/${P}" NV="0.29.1" # no version number on this install dir since upgrades will be using same dir # (data will be stored here too) I=/usr/bin DESCRIPTION="Overnet is the successor of eDonkey2000 that allows you to share files with millions of other people across the globe." HOMEPAGE="http://www.overnet.com" SRC_URI="http://www.overnet.com/files/overnet${NV}.gz" SLOT="0" LICENSE="proprietary" KEYWORDS="x86" src_unpack () { cd ${WORKDIR} test ! -d ${S} && mkdir ${S} gunzip -dc ${DISTDIR}/overnet${NV}.gz > ${S}/overnet } src_install () { dodir ${I} cp overnet ${D}/${I} chown root.root ${D}/${I}/overnet chmod 755 ${D}/${I}/overnet }