Now.. Would every one here just take a moment and .... B A C K O F F ! Just see here.. Two lines.. here below: Richard Stallman wrote: > (If you would call the system Gentoo GNU/Linux, that would help us > also. See AND HOW MANY MESSAGES ABOUT IT? The signal:noise ratio went dead here. his points about the license is valid, and a good one at that. I quite like the concept of "emerge system" only pulling in sk. "free" licenses. thats what we have right now in practicallity, I see no reason to change the formality to match the practicality. as for the name change.. er.. No. simply cause then I couldnt go and port the BSD userspace tools + libc to the linux kernel and package in Gentoo... then it wouldn't be GNU linux .. itd be BSD Linux .. And we'd have anther name.. Bah bah bah. Call the system you install GNU/Linux if you wish. I know mine is mostly GNU/Linux. but I would sure want to try and make Gentoo possibly something more than GNU. I dont want to tie my efforts to that only. for now we ship only GNU as the "real hard core" (of course, our own work... BSD stuff and the python + perl things.. but those hardly count.......) // Spider Irate developer -- begin .signature This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end