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Subject: gentoo-dev digest, Vol 1 #435 - 13 msgs
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 15:52:03 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
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Today's Topics:

   1. Freetype 2.1.2 test results (Spider)
   2. Re: new package notification (Alexander Gretencord)
   3. Re: [gentoo-user] new package notification (Robert Cole)
   4. Re: Automatic menus? (Tom Philbrick)
   5. Re: new package notification (Gregg)
   7. My Time Problems...Cause Found (Matthew Walker)
   8. Moderator? (Marko Mikulicic)
   9. Re: new package notification (Marko Mikulicic)
  10. Re: new package notification (Gregg)
  11. Re: new package notification (Gregg)
  12. Re: Freetype 2.1.2 test results (Paul de Vrieze)
  13. Re: new package notification (Marko Mikulicic)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 19:06:12 +0200
From: Spider <>
To: gentoo-dev <>
Organization: Chaotic
Subject: [gentoo-dev] Freetype 2.1.2 test results

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

okay, I've done some testing on freetype 2.1.2 

On my x86 system, this build works with pango 1.0.3 and gtk+ 2.0.5

Could other arches please test?

Tests were:
unmask freetype
emerge freetype
emerge -c freetype (no old .so's)
run gedit : worked

emerge pango : worked
emerge gtk+ : worked

thats about it ... more testing is required.


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Message: 2
From: Alexander Gretencord <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] new package notification
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 19:20:26 +0200

On Friday 26 July 2002 18:44, Gregg wrote:
> I want to see a list of new packages that are available after an rsync.
> Not updates to packages that were already there, but new directories in
> the portage tree.

Do a "find /usr/portage/ -type d > before" before the emerge rsync and th=
same after rsyncing but into file "after". The do a "diff before after".=20
After doing this once you can just move the after file to before everytim=
e so=20
you don't have to do a find before the next rsync but just use the last=20
after-file. You could tell it to not print the files dir so you will only=
the new packages directory and not the files dir which holds the digests =

just my 2(euro)cent


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary saf=
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin


Message: 3
From: Robert Cole <>
Organization: Questnet Linux Training &Services
To:, <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 10:39:36 -0700
Cc: <>
Subject: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-user] new package notification

Hash: SHA1

I think that's a great idea. I do the same as far as keeping my system as=
close to portage as possible. I've had to deviate a little lately but for=
most part everything I need is in the tree.

Since you have to do rsync's as root anyway how about just outputting a t=
file to /root?


On Friday 26 July 2002 09:44 am, Gregg wrote:
> I have mentioned this a couple times to usually no response.  I feel th=
> it is an important feature , I was hoping to get some sort of response =
> this as to  how it should be done, or a response saying "we are already
> working on that". Either way is fine by me :)
> I want to see a list of new packages that are available after an rsync.
> Not updates to packages that were already there, but new directories in
> the portage tree.
> I keep my gentoo box as close to "portage only" as possible.  It makes
> management easier and makes everything fit together the way it should.
> The Gentoo way.  In doing so, I deny myself some applications taht do n=
> have ebuilds yet.  I would love to see a list after an emerge rsync of
> what NEW packages that were not in my portage before, have been added.
> This will let me see whats new that I might install.
> Ideas range from portage keeping a log of what directories it actually
> creates durring rsync and allowing you to output that to a text file.  =
> a script you run before and after that builds a list of the directories=
> the tree and compares the 2 lists, showing you the new directories. Im
> sure there are other ways as well.
> Any ideas?  Anyone already have this working?
> _______________________________________________
> gentoo-user mailing list
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)



Message: 4
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 13:53:37 -0400
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Automatic menus?
From: Tom Philbrick <>

On Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 02:45:05PM +0200, Corvus Corax wrote:
> Dont want to bother anyone, but the idea of having to rebuild every ebuild existing for menu data seems not very effective.

It would not be very effective, which is why no one, including myself,
has suggested it. The way this would wor is, there is a program called
update-menus that should be called in the ebuild of any program that
installs a menufile. This program reads through /usr/lib/menu/ which
holds all the menufiles that packages have installed, and from these
files it creates a menu for any program that installs a menu-method (a
file describing how to generate a menu for that program). The menufiles
would be added in with the next update to the ebuild (I assume).
Please read the docs for more:


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 13:50:06 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] new package notification
From: "Gregg" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>


Something along these lines is in order:

rm /root/before
rm /root/after
rm /root/new
find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >/root/before
emerge rsync
find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >/root/after
diff /root/before /root/after | tee /root/new

That cleans up the old files, buids the before list, emerged, builds the
after (both ignoring the files directory,) and then outputs the diff to
screen and file

Anyone up to making this a neat little script?

> On Friday 26 July 2002 18:44, Gregg wrote:
>> I want to see a list of new packages that are available after an
>> rsync. Not updates to packages that were already there, but new
>> directories in the portage tree.
> Do a "find /usr/portage/ -type d > before" before the emerge rsync and
> the  same after rsyncing but into file "after". The do a "diff before
> after".  After doing this once you can just move the after file to
> before everytime so  you don't have to do a find before the next rsync
> but just use the last  after-file. You could tell it to not print the
> files dir so you will only get  the new packages directory and not the
> files dir which holds the digests and  patches.
> just my 2(euro)cent
> Alex
> --
> "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
> safety  deserve neither liberty nor safety."
> Benjamin Franklin
> _______________________________________________
> gentoo-dev mailing list


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 11:52:46 -0700
Organization: Marketing Research International
Subject: [gentoo-dev] ADV: TIMES ARE TOUGH! WHAT DO YOU DO?

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Message: 7
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 12:57:48 -0600 (MDT)
From: "Matthew Walker" <>
To: <>
Subject: [gentoo-dev] My Time Problems...Cause Found

Today, I discovered that the tape backups that run nightly on my computer
are the source of my slowdown. I suspect this is related to DMA somehow, but
I don't know how to turn on DMA on a tape drive. Anyone got any suggestions?

Matthew Walker                       Kydance Hosting       Low Prices, High Standards
Schools are prisons for the enlightened mind  --  Me


Message: 8
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 21:52:17 +0200
From: Marko Mikulicic <>
To: gentoo-dev <>
Subject: [gentoo-dev] Moderator?


I posted a couple of messages and got back:

The reason it is being held:

     Message has a suspicious header

What does this mean? It is some
spam blocking filter ?
I suspect it has to do with the attachment.

  It's a bit frustrating to be marked as a spammer :-)

It will be a big promblem when spammers will learn
how to use bugzilla :-)
The only thing I don't like in bugzilla is the latency in
its comunication. For example I have written a little (20 lines)
script and I would like to hear some feedbacks before writing
an ebuild for it and submit it to bugzilla.

Marko Mikulicic


Message: 9
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 21:54:54 +0200
From: Marko Mikulicic <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] new package notification

(sorry for posting this message on a new thread but
I had some problems with the headers of the original message)

Gregg wrote:
  > So...
  > Something along these lines is in order:
  > rm /root/before
  > rm /root/after
  > rm /root/new
  > find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >/root/before
  > emerge rsync
  > find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >/root/after
  > diff /root/before /root/after | tee /root/new
  > That cleans up the old files, buids the before list, emerged, builds the
  > after (both ignoring the files directory,) and then outputs the diff to
  > screen and file

good. This is a script based on your idea.
It it configurable and sends colorized output with package description
to the screen, while mainaining the log in the file.
    The log file contains only /usr/portage/... files (no diff trash)

The base directory is configurable (default /root) and the files
are called emerge-rsync.before|after|new. However I think it would
be better to store them somewhere in /var (/var/db/pkg/portage/...
/var/log) because I don't like messing in the home directory,
and if we are going to make it a system utility it should be
well integrated.


script (cannot send attachments):

# end user configuration section


if [ "$USE_COLORS" == "yes" ]; then

find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >$BEFORE
emerge rsync
find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >$AFTER
diff $BEFORE $AFTER | grep /usr/portage | sed "s/> //g" > $NEW

# cleanup

# display
echo New ebuilds:
for i in $(cat $NEW); do
  . $(ls $i/*.ebuild --sort=time | head -n 1)

  echo -e $GREEN${i##/usr/portage/}$NORMAL: $DESCRIPTION



Message: 10
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 15:00:08 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] new package notification
From: "Gregg" <>
To: <>
Importance: Normal
Cc: <>, <>
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With proxy's help on the forums we had this one already.  Yours is cleaner
and I like the color output. This one shows whats been removed also. 
Possiby you could merge that ability in as well?



# directories in portage to ignore (not used yet)

#check if this is first run
if [ ! -f /var/cache/package.cache ] ; then
    echo "initializing package cache..."
    find /usr/portage/ -type d -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 | sort 2>/dev/null
> /va$

    # move old cache (to compare to later)
    mv -f /var/cache/package.cache /var/cache/package.old 2>/dev/null

    # create new cache
     echo "Creating cache..."
     find /usr/portage/ -type d -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 | sort 2>/dev/null
> /v$
     echo "New:"
     diff /var/cache/package.old /var/cache/package.cache | grep \>
     echo "Removed:"
     diff /var/cache/package.old /var/cache/package.cache | grep \<
     echo "Done."

> Gregg wrote:
>> So...
>> Something along these lines is in order:
>> rm /root/before
>> rm /root/after
>> rm /root/new
>> find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >/root/before
>> emerge rsync
>> find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >/root/after
>> diff /root/before /root/after | tee /root/new
>> That cleans up the old files, buids the before list, emerged, builds
>> the after (both ignoring the files directory,) and then outputs the
>> diff to screen and file
> good. This is a script based on your idea.
> It it configurable and sends colorized output with package description
> to the screen, while mainaining the log in the file.
>   The log file contains only /usr/portage/... files (no diff trash)
> The base directory is configurable (default /root) and the files
> are called emerge-rsync.before|after|new. However I think it would be
> better to store them somewhere in /var (/var/db/pkg/portage/...
> /var/log) because I don't like messing in the home directory,
> and if we are going to make it a system utility it should be
> well integrated.
> Marko


Message: 11
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 15:03:04 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] new package notification
From: "Gregg" <>
To: <>
Importance: Normal
Cc: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
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Also, as per my last email with the other script that was being worked on.
 Ive noticed that the find in that one is faster because of the min and
max depth settings.  These 2 seem to be perfect for merging together then
having exactly what we want, with it being quick and easy.


> (sorry for posting this message on a new thread but
> I had some problems with the headers of the original message)
> Gregg wrote:
>   > So...
>   >
>   > Something along these lines is in order:
>   >
>   > rm /root/before
>   > rm /root/after
>   > rm /root/new
>   > find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >/root/before
>   > emerge rsync
>   > find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >/root/after
>   > diff /root/before /root/after | tee /root/new
>   >
>   >
>   > That cleans up the old files, buids the before list, emerged, builds
> the after (both ignoring the files directory,) and then outputs the
> diff to screen and file
> good. This is a script based on your idea.
> It it configurable and sends colorized output with package description
> to the screen, while mainaining the log in the file.
>     The log file contains only /usr/portage/... files (no diff trash)
> The base directory is configurable (default /root) and the files
> are called emerge-rsync.before|after|new. However I think it would be
> better to store them somewhere in /var (/var/db/pkg/portage/...
> /var/log) because I don't like messing in the home directory,
> and if we are going to make it a system utility it should be
> well integrated.
> Marko
> script (cannot send attachments):
> <snip>
> !/bin/sh
> BASE=/root
> # end user configuration section
> BEFORE=$BASE/ebuild-rsync.before
> AFTER=$BASE/ebuild-rsync.after
> if [ "$USE_COLORS" == "yes" ]; then
>   GREEN="\033[;32m"
>   NORMAL="\033[m"
> fi
> find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >$BEFORE
> emerge rsync
> find /usr/portage -type d | grep -i -v files >$AFTER
> diff $BEFORE $AFTER | grep /usr/portage | sed "s/> //g" > $NEW
> # cleanup
> # display
> echo
> echo New ebuilds:
> for i in $(cat $NEW); do
>   . $(ls $i/*.ebuild --sort=time | head -n 1)
>   echo -e $GREEN${i##/usr/portage/}$NORMAL: $DESCRIPTION
> done
> </snip>
> _______________________________________________
> gentoo-dev mailing list


Message: 12
From: Paul de Vrieze <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Freetype 2.1.2 test results
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 22:16:01 +0200

On Friday 26 July 2002 19:06, Spider wrote:
> okay, I've done some testing on freetype 2.1.2
> On my x86 system, this build works with pango 1.0.3 and gtk+ 2.0.5
> Could other arches please test?
> Tests were:
> unmask freetype
> emerge freetype
> emerge -c freetype (no old .so's)
> run gedit : worked
> emerge pango : worked
> emerge gtk+ : worked
> thats about it ... more testing is required.

I also tested this freetype lib, and yes, it worked well. But,... for me,=
fonts in mozilla where butt ugly, so I quickly went back to the old versi=
that (with some setting changes) looks a lot better.


Paul de Vrieze
Junior Researcher


Message: 13
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 22:50:41 +0200
From: Marko Mikulicic <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] new package notification

Gregg wrote:
> Also, as per my last email with the other script that was being worked on.
>  Ive noticed that the find in that one is faster because of the min and
> max depth settings.  These 2 seem to be perfect for merging together then
> having exactly what we want, with it being quick and easy.

Ok. I'm merging the two. I've already implemented the "remove" feture. 
It outputs in red, for consistency, but I don't know if it makes sense.

For the -maxdepth -mindepth:
I'm working to implement the 
feature, but if -maxdepth 2-mindepth 2 is used it is useless because
at this directory level all we have is *.ebuild directories.
  But if the portage system will be extended to have more than two levels
of directories (instead of the "-" trik, like in "x11-libs") we'll
have to switch back.
  Ok. so I drop the EXCLUDE feature.

However the performance gain is ridiculous 0.3 seconds with recursive
vs 0.03 sec with maxdepth 2, given that rsync often takes much much longer.

What about /var/cache for script output ?
Or should I leave /root as default ?

I thought it could be called "emerge-rsync", at least until
we integrate it in emerge itself :-) ok?

I've added command line passing to emerge rysnc (for --clean)
Tell me if you like it.
I will make an ebuild for it, but I cannot provide hosting. Where should 
I put it?

So here is the script:

# end user configuration section
. /etc/make.globals

if [ "$USE_COLORS" == "yes" ]; then

function portagetree () {
  find $PORTDIR -type d -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2

# do it
portagetree >$BEFORE
emerge $@ rsync
portagetree >$AFTER
diff $BEFORE $AFTER | grep ">" | sed "s/> //g" > $NEW
diff $BEFORE $AFTER | grep "<" | sed "s/< //g" > $REMOVED

# cleanup

# display new ebuilds
if ! diff -q $NEW /dev/null >/dev/null; then
  echo New ebuilds:
  for i in $(cat $NEW); do
   . $(ls $i/*.ebuild --sort=time | head -n 1)

# display removed ebuilds
if ! diff -q $REMOVED /dev/null >/dev/null; then
  echo Removed ebuilds:
   for i in $(cat $REMOVED); do
      echo -e $RED${i##$PORTDIR/}$NORMAL


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