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Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 19:46:30 -0500 (CDT)	[thread overview]
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Subject: gentoo-dev digest, Vol 1 #411 - 14 msgs
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 09:20:03 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of gentoo-dev digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Unicode support (Marko Mikulicic)
   2. gentoo-web. (Terje Kvernes)
   3. orinoco drivers not compiling: Guinea Pig Tester Request (Ben Lutgens)
   4. RE: orinoco drivers not compiling: Guinea Pig Tester Request (Doug Goldstein)
   5. proposal (Respond Urgently) (Dr.Samson Osage)
   6. Re: orinoco drivers not compiling: Guinea Pig Tester
       Request (Chad M. Huneycutt)
   7. Re: extremely important (Jake Bishop)
   8. [gentoo-announce] More Moved Packages (dev-php) (Ryan Phillips)
   9. about GLSA (Asbjorn Sannes)
  10. problem with "emerge clean" (Matthias F. Brandstetter)
  11. Re: Unicode support (Nils Decker)
  12. Re: problem with "emerge clean" (Markus Wagner)
  13. Re: problem with "emerge clean" (Jean-Michel Smith)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 02:06:10 +0200
From: Marko Mikulicic <>
To: Christophe Vanfleteren <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Unicode support

Christophe Vanfleteren wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 July 2002 01:37, Marko Mikulicic wrote:
> <--->
>>PS: it would be nice if portage could maintain a list
>>of possible use flags, based on ebuild files contents, with a brief
>>description on each.
> Try 
> cat /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc
> Christophe Vanfleteren

Yes, it does the job. But it has to be updated by hand.
I mean something that scans the ebuilds when rsyncing,
for example, which would list all use flags, including those
added in new user submitted ebuild files.
  I'm not sure if it makes sense, just food for thoughts.



Message: 2
Organization: do you Gentoo?
From: Terje Kvernes <>
Date: 16 Jul 2002 05:29:47 +0200
Subject: [gentoo-dev] gentoo-web.

  this ebuild should depend on cvs.  I couldn't file a bugzilla report
  as I'm off to a holiday, and just grabbed gentoo-web to make sure I
  had more stuff to read.  happy hacking people.

Terje - off with <url: >


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 22:53:51 -0500
From: Ben Lutgens <>
Subject: [gentoo-dev] orinoco drivers not compiling: Guinea Pig Tester Request

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I'd like to solicit your help in testing something to make sure I'm not
losing my mind :-)

I was getting this wierd thing where no matter what I did, i was getting no
orinoco drivers compiled or installed. A little investigation showed me the
following code in the wireless/Makefile in the toplevel of the source tree.

MODULES +=3D hermes.o orinoco.o orinoco_cs.o
SRCS    +=3D hermes.c orinoco.c orinoco_cs.c

Thanks to this little nugget the only way to get these .o files to compile
is by a -DDO_ORINOCO or commenting the ifdef and endif lines out. Some
folks have said that 3.1.34-r7 doesn't have this problem, and they a simple
"ebuild pcmcia-cs-3.1.34-r7.ebuild merge" would net you some orinoco
drivers. I do not believe this.

Here's how to test.

cd ${PORTDIR}/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs
ebuild pcmcia-cs-3.1.34-r7.ebuild clean unpack compile
cd /var/tmp/portage/pcmcia-cs-3.1.34-r7/work/pcmcia-3.1.34/wireless/
ls *.o
# you should see (if i'm not smoking something)
airo.o     netwave_cs.o  wavelan_cs.o  wvlan_hcf.o
airo_cs.o  ray_cs.o      wvlan_cs.o    wvlan_hcfio.o

Now, to further complete our test we'll fire up our favorite text editor on
the Makefile in the same dir as we're in, and comment out ifdef in line 21
and endif in line 24. Now if you run "make" you should see it compile some
more modules. And another "ls *.o" and we see:
airo.o     hermes.o      orinoco.o     ray_cs.o      wvlan_cs.o wvlan_hcfio=
airo_cs.o  netwave_cs.o  orinoco_cs.o  wavelan_cs.o  wvlan_hcf.o

Now, to make sure that I'm not a complete dolt, please give this test a
once over to and post your findings in this thread just to make an old man
feel better and that he isn't losing his mind. I could continue to test
this with more and more versions of this package but according to some
conversations I've had this particular one is supposed to have been proven
to "compile and install the orinoco drivers" and since I see no
modifications to Makefiles or any any passing of a -DDO_ORINOCO in any
patches or sed statements I can only assume that ALL packages using 3.1.34
source are suceptible to the same wierdness. Thanks for your time, and may
the schwartz be with you.

Ben Lutgens				 	 |
Random Gentoo Developer	 |

"I got a wife and kids too but you don't see me out here stealing Imperial
Droids now do ya?"

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Message: 4
Reply-To: <>
From: "Doug Goldstein" <>
To: "'Ben Lutgens'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [gentoo-dev] orinoco drivers not compiling: Guinea Pig Tester Request
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 00:39:06 -0400
Organization: Gentoo Linux

I have without any changes to the Makefile or anything... just the
straight up -r7 ebuild the following:

airo.o airo_cs.o hermes.o netwave_cs.o orinoco.o orinoco_cs.o ray_cs.o
wavelan_cs.o wvlan_cs.o wvlan_hcf.o wvlan_hcfio.o

I have gcc-2.95 on my laptop.

-Doug Goldstein

Gentoo Laptop Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Ben Lutgens
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 11:54 PM
Subject: [gentoo-dev] orinoco drivers not compiling: Guinea Pig Tester

I'd like to solicit your help in testing something to make sure I'm not
losing my mind :-)

I was getting this wierd thing where no matter what I did, i was getting
orinoco drivers compiled or installed. A little investigation showed me
following code in the wireless/Makefile in the toplevel of the source

MODULES += hermes.o orinoco.o orinoco_cs.o
SRCS    += hermes.c orinoco.c orinoco_cs.c

Thanks to this little nugget the only way to get these .o files to
is by a -DDO_ORINOCO or commenting the ifdef and endif lines out. Some
folks have said that 3.1.34-r7 doesn't have this problem, and they a
"ebuild pcmcia-cs-3.1.34-r7.ebuild merge" would net you some orinoco
drivers. I do not believe this.

Here's how to test.

cd ${PORTDIR}/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs
ebuild pcmcia-cs-3.1.34-r7.ebuild clean unpack compile
cd /var/tmp/portage/pcmcia-cs-3.1.34-r7/work/pcmcia-3.1.34/wireless/
ls *.o
# you should see (if i'm not smoking something)
airo.o     netwave_cs.o  wavelan_cs.o  wvlan_hcf.o
airo_cs.o  ray_cs.o      wvlan_cs.o    wvlan_hcfio.o

Now, to further complete our test we'll fire up our favorite text editor
the Makefile in the same dir as we're in, and comment out ifdef in line
and endif in line 24. Now if you run "make" you should see it compile
more modules. And another "ls *.o" and we see:
airo.o     hermes.o      orinoco.o     ray_cs.o      wvlan_cs.o
airo_cs.o  netwave_cs.o  orinoco_cs.o  wavelan_cs.o  wvlan_hcf.o

Now, to make sure that I'm not a complete dolt, please give this test a
once over to and post your findings in this thread just to make an old
feel better and that he isn't losing his mind. I could continue to test
this with more and more versions of this package but according to some
conversations I've had this particular one is supposed to have been
to "compile and install the orinoco drivers" and since I see no
modifications to Makefiles or any any passing of a -DDO_ORINOCO in any
patches or sed statements I can only assume that ALL packages using
source are suceptible to the same wierdness. Thanks for your time, and
the schwartz be with you.

Ben Lutgens				 	 |	
Random Gentoo Developer	 |

"I got a wife and kids too but you don't see me out here stealing
Droids now do ya?"


Message: 5
From: "Dr.Samson Osage" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 21:41:51
Subject: [gentoo-dev] proposal (Respond Urgently)

Dr. Zack Ego. 


ATTN: President/Ceo


I am contacting you based on information and esteem
recommendation I received of you from a high ranking
official in the commercial section of the Nigerian
Chambers of Commerce and Industry who guaranteed your
reliability and trustworthyness in business dealings.
This business proposal I wish to intimate you with is
of mutual benefit and it's success is entirely based
on mutual trust, cooperation and a high level of
confidentiality as regard this transaction. 
I am the Chairman of the contract Advisory Committee
(CAC) of the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Works and
Housing (FMWH). I am seeking your assistance to enable
me transfer the sum of US$16,500,000.00 (Sixteen
Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars)
into your private/company account. 
The fund came about as a result of a contract awarded
and executed on behalf of my Ministry the Federal
Ministry of Works and Housing. 
The contract was supposed to be awarded to two foreign
contractors to the tune of US$60,000,000.00 (Sixty
Million United States Dollars). 
But in the course of negotiation, the contract was
awarded to a Bulgarian contractor at the cost of
US$43,500,000.00 (Forty-Three Million, Five Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars) to my benefit unknown
to the contractor. This contract has been
satisfactorily executed and inspected as the Bulgarian
firm is presently securing payment from my Ministry,
where I am the Executive Director in-charge of all
foreign contract payment approval. 
As a civil servant still in active government service,
I am forbidden by law to operate an account outside
the shores of Nigeria. Hence this message to you
seeking your assistance so as to enable me present
your private/company account details as a beneficiary
of contractual claims alongside that of the Bulgarian
contractor, to enable me transfer the difference of
US$16,500,000.00 (Sixteen Million, Five Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars) into your provided
On actualisation, the fund will be disbursed as stated
1. 30% of the fund will be for you as beneficiary. 
2. 10% for reimbursement to both parties for
incidental expenses that may be incurred during the
course of the transaction. 
3. 60% of the fund will be for me which I intend to
invest in your country with you as my partner. 
All logistics are in place and all modalities worked
out for a smooth actualisation of the transaction
within the next few working days of commencement. For
further details as to the workability of this
Thank you and God bless as I await your urgent

Yours Sincerely, 
Dr. Zack Ego. 


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 01:57:37 -0400
From: "Chad M. Huneycutt" <>
Organization: Georgia Tech College of Computing
Cc: Ben Lutgens <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] orinoco drivers not compiling: Guinea Pig Tester

Ben Lutgens wrote:
> I'd like to solicit your help in testing something to make sure I'm not
> losing my mind :-)
> I was getting this wierd thing where no matter what I did, i was getting no
> orinoco drivers compiled or installed. A little investigation showed me the
> following code in the wireless/Makefile in the toplevel of the source tree.
> ifdef DO_ORINOCO
> MODULES += hermes.o orinoco.o orinoco_cs.o
> SRCS    += hermes.c orinoco.c orinoco_cs.c
> endif

    I think you are just missing a couple kernel configuration options.  If 
you take a look at the Configure script in the top-level pcmcia-cs source 
directory, you will see that DO_ORINOCO is set based on the following 
conditions (I didn't bother to fully track down the logic, but this should 
get you started):

1. (most likely) -- CONFIG_NET_RADIO is configured in your kernel's .config 
file.  This is the "Wireless LAN (non-hamradio)" option in the "Network 
Device Support" submenu.

2. [ -r /proc/net/wireless ]

3. [ ! -r ${LINUX}/include/linux/wireless.h ] ; then
      (this indirectly turns DO_ORINOCO off)

The first thing above is like the alsa procedure of enabling sound but not 
selecting any drivers.  You have to configure the kernel for wireless/radio 
support, and then pcmcia-cs's configure script enables building of the 
orinoco modules.

I hope that clears it up for you.

Chad Huneycutt


Message: 7
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 01:09:48 -0700
From: Jake Bishop <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] extremely important

Grant Slater wrote:

>South Africa is a very beautiful country! I am South African AND I use
>Anyone with power? Please hunt this shameless bastard down and have him
>skinned alive!
>THIS IS A SCAM! The "Mr Peter Zuma" will ask for some money from you and
>then he is never heard from again.
>First time I have seen "them" use South Africa as their "base."
>	Grant Slater
>PS: If it sounds to good to be true, it is!
>PPS: Cape Town / South Africa is a VERY beautiful place! Come visit! We
>can go
>On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, zuma peter wrote:
>>Dear Sir,
>>I am Mr. Peter Zuma, a Native of Cape Town in South
>>Africa and I am an Executive Accountant with the South
This is a variation on the Nigerian scam that was around a few years ago,


Message: 8
From: Ryan Phillips <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 01:58:30 -0700
Subject: [gentoo-dev] [gentoo-announce] More Moved Packages (dev-php)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I'm happy to announce that the dev-php/ portage directory is 
now live.

dev-php/php     is a shell interpreter.
dev-php/mod_php is the module for apache.
dev-php/PEAR-*  PEAR modules

The old dev-lang/php is now obsolete and is now dev-php/mod_php

If anyone finds any bugs, please assign them to me:
rphillips at

Ryan Phillips
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)



gentoo-announce mailing list


Message: 9
From: Asbjorn Sannes <>
Date: 16 Jul 2002 10:54:56 +0200
Subject: [gentoo-dev] about GLSA

In every GLSA they inform us of the steps to take to update the
software, and it always goes something like this:

emerge --clean rsync
emerge <package>
emerge clean

.. now, I wonder, .. isn't emerge prune <package> a better way? Because
most of the time emerge clean won't unmerge the old packages leaving
(very unlikely) vulnerable files?

Examples of this behaviour (not unmerging the old vuln. package) is  
the recent glibc and openssh updates. Altough, in these cases it is not
exploitable in the future it might be.

Asbjorn Sannes


Message: 10
From: "Matthias F. Brandstetter" <>
Organization: tele.ring
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 13:15:33 +0200
Subject: [gentoo-dev] problem with "emerge clean"

Hi gentoo-team!

After a long search for a good linux dist. _without_ this sucking RPMs, I=
found your dist. on "". I am very happy now, I like your=20
portage-system very much.

But now I have my first problem with it. I tried to make an "emerge clean=
which worked find, until it came to a package named=20
"kde-base/arts-". Portage is not able to unmerge it with it=
dependecies. Even if I try to unmerge it manually, I get the follwing=20
error message:

>>> Unmerging kde-base/arts-

!!! ERROR: The ebuild did not complete successfully.
!!! Function inherit, Line -2050, Exitcode 0
!!! Error: unrecognized version 1.0.1, could not set SRC_URI

!!! pkg_prerm() script failed; exiting.

Because I'm new to your gentoo-system, I have no clue how to fix this=20
problem. Is there an easy way to fix it? Please help me!

Thank you, Matthias


Message: 11
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 14:23:35 +0200
From: Nils Decker <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Unicode support

Marko Mikulicic <> wrote:
> Christophe Vanfleteren wrote:
> > cat /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc
> Yes, it does the job. But it has to be updated by hand.
> I mean something that scans the ebuilds when rsyncing,

try useflag from app-admin/gentoolkit


Nils Decker <>


Message: 12
From: Markus Wagner <>
To: "Matthias F. Brandstetter" <>,
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] problem with "emerge clean"
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 15:30:12 +0200


> error message:
> >>> Unmerging kde-base/arts-
> !!! ERROR: The ebuild did not complete successfully.
> !!! Function inherit, Line -2050, Exitcode 0
> !!! Error: unrecognized version 1.0.1, could not set SRC_URI
> !!! pkg_prerm() script failed; exiting.

Sorry, I still don't know how to fix this, but I have exactly the same pr=
here with unmerging arts-1.0.2. I think there's a problem with the versio=
n of=20
arts, because it's the only part of kde with a version different to 3.0.x=



Message: 13
From: Jean-Michel Smith <>
To: "Matthias F. Brandstetter" <>,
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] problem with "emerge clean"
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 09:21:07 -0500

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 06:15 am, Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:

> But now I have my first problem with it. I tried to make an "emerge cle=
> which worked find, until it came to a package named
> "kde-base/arts-". Portage is not able to unmerge it with =
> dependecies. Even if I try to unmerge it manually, I get the follwing
> error message:
> >>> Unmerging kde-base/arts-
> !!! ERROR: The ebuild did not complete successfully.
> !!! Function inherit, Line -2050, Exitcode 0
> !!! Error: unrecognized version 1.0.1, could not set SRC_URI
> !!! pkg_prerm() script failed; exiting.
> Because I'm new to your gentoo-system, I have no clue how to fix this
> problem. Is there an easy way to fix it? Please help me!

I'm having some rather serious difficulties that I think go back to emerg=
rsync --clean as well (=09or maybe emerge -c, I don't know).  In any even=
after following the instructions for the latest security update (to rebui=
glibc) and the juggled net-misc files, I've ended up with an emerge (port=
2.0.13) which is severely broken, to the point where, if I just try and d=
o an=20
'emerge -s [somepackage]' I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 1198, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 162, in output
    print "[ Results for search key : "+white(self.searchkey)+" ]"
NameError: global name 'white' is not defined

Pretty much every other action is also broken ... if I emerge something=20
directly it will merge, but of course, the moment it tries to print any k=
of message the same tracebacks occur.

Anyone know how to fix this?!



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