I'm glad to be able to finally(!) announce the new Gnome 2 Desktop as available in Gentoo Linux. The Gnome 2 release was announced today; Announcement: http://gnome.org/pr-gnome20.html More info: http://gnome.org/start/2.0/ Release notes: http://gnome.org/start/2.0/releasenotes.html With this we are the first Linux distribution to support the Gnome 2 desktop, and it has been many months of quite hard work for me and the others who are involved in getting this project to run smoothly for all users. Installation and Update : The update process should be very smooth for users, and this has been a major caveat for us, but we think we have succeeded. To install the Gnome 2 desktop, you only have to : emerge gnome Portage will care for download, build and installation. If you have a previous Gnome 1.4 installation, portage will stop and complain that "gnome-core" is blocking, to solve this issue you have to: emerge unmerge gnome-core This will remove the conflicts encountered. Caveats : We are shipping Gnome 2 with Metacity as the preferred windowmanager, because sawfish wasn't working for an extended period of time. Sawfish 2.0 works now, but we retained Metacity because it got more testing in Gentoo than Sawfish did. You can at any time: emerge sawfish and choose to use that as your default window manager in Gnome. Compability : Gnome 1.4 Applications will continue to work with your Gnome 2 desktop. Gnome 1.4 Applets will not work, and programs that use applets will not run. This is a problem that we are working on. Debugging : To help the Gnome project in the struggle to develop a solid desktop environment, we ship Gnome with debugging enabled. This will be disabled in a minor update within two weeks. We hope that you will cooperate and help further the development by providing bug reports to the Gnome project. This can be done at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ or by using "bug-buddy", the automated bug reporting tool. Please, forward your impressions, opinions, ideas and crashes to the Gnome project. Thanks : The build and install process should be solid thanks to a large amount of Gentoo developers and testers, especially Gabriele Giorgetti who helped me on maintaining and updating Gnome 2 as well as handling bugreports, and Martin Schlemmer who got sawfish working. Regards, Spider (D.m.D. Ljungmark) Gentoo Linux Developer, Gnome 2 Maintainer and Packager. (http://gentoo.org/~spider/)(Gnome 2 FAQ. And configuration Guide) -- begin .signature This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end