On 10 Jun 2002 14:44:57 -0300 Rufiao Valhacouto wrote: |Following the announce of Gentoo 1.2 cds, I've just created a [meta] |stage4 tarball to evaluate how big it would be to accommodate xfree, |fluxbox, mozilla, xchat, links, ircssi, nvi, gpm and gentoolkit to help |people have a graphic environment and/or access to www and irc in the |setup process (as stated by Faust Tanasescu in a later post). The |resulting stage4 tarball was about 100M larger than the stage3 one. A CD |with stage1 (ix86), stage2 (ix86, i586, i686), stage3 (i586, i686) and |stage4 (i586, i686) would take less than 800M (in the case it can't fit |on a CD, one of the stage4 versions could be stripped). | |I've installed the packages right over a chroot with |stage3-i[56]86-1.3a.tbz2, export USE="-gnome -java" (to avoid mozilla |install a JVM and xchat install gnome dependencies) and emerge xfree |fluxbox mozilla xchat links ircssi nvi gpm gentoolkit | |Do you think it's a good thing to provide such stage4 tarball |officially? i think that the xserver don't is useful in th einstalation, and can remove mozilla for links, and remove al x-based apps, Maybe the svglib an gpm, and mc, it can be sufficent José Alberto Suárez López -- http://www.gentoo.org http://www.adala.org http://bass.dnsalias.com http://gimp.es.gnome.org