All, the HTTP_PROXY variable we have in make.conf and friends isn't recognized by wget. Setting as HTTP_PROXY is completely ignored by wget and the other fetchcommands ( prozilla and lukemftp are essentially ftp applications and they don't tend to like proxies anyway ). I see very little reason to leave the variable as HTTP_PROXY when it should be defined like so http_proxy="proxy.domain.tld:3128" A band-aid would be to set the following in either make.conf, make.globals or the like http_proxy="${HTTP_PROXY}" or have portage interpret HTTP_PROXY and pass it to the environment in both ways (which seems really dumb to me) This is probably also a good FAQ question. I'll post to the forums about it as well. -- Ben Lutgens | System Administrator | Sistina Software Inc. | "I got a wife and kids too but you don't see me out here stealing Imperial Droids now do ya?"