begin quote On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 22:08:10 +0000 "Eugenia Loli-Queru" wrote: > Sorry, this solution is NOT acceptable. This pretty much says that I > have rebuild most of my graphics apps, and possibly X (which I > recompiled it just yesterday anyway during my upgrade to 1.1a). This > is just WAY too time consuming, and, simply put, it doesn't worth the > trouble. I would expect Gentoo LLC to find a better solutions for its > users, especially if this error was not a user error, but the > maintener's. Asking poor cpu cycle users to recompile everything, it > is just not so good, don't you think? > 'xcuse me for a moment while I grep my system..... Nope, X does -not- link libpng at any point. So, where did you get this notion from? Second, if you check your lib's first, and get a listing, you'll note that it is four or five different libraries that need upgrading. -then- check your binaries. dont let the complete listing of things that link to a general graphics library and then to libpng fool you. Second, this issue seems to be sadly out of our control, there are two ways you can go around it though, both have been introduced before this: a) Ignore the new libpng. this is what most binary distributions do, they simply ignore the updated and will then release a new minor version of their distribution where everything smoothly links against the new libpng version. b) Force upgrade of all packages linking to libpng. this is the path we choose here, all packages that ever link to libpng has been updated with the new dependencies. check for yourself. The fact that libpng 1.2.x and 1.0.x are -binary- incompatible doesn't change much when you haven't compiled anything against the new version. everyhting is cool, the right library gets loaded and all things look pretty. but, when you mix the two.... install a new package that depends on libpng on an older way (through a library) you get a conflict. suddenly you have two versions of libpng installed. Where does this leave you? the two versions cannot safely coexist since they are binary incompatible..... You have to either rebuild the things that you recently rebuilt against the old libpng, and remove the new libpng from your system... or you must rebuild the old libraries that link to the old version of libpng with the new versions as provided. Now, could you conclude your trollish rant and show me -where- does X link to libpng? //Spider -- begin .signature This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end