... how can I get something installed in /usr/sbin? This will probably open up a can of worms, but here I go. I want to change the ebuild for iptables-1.2.6a to install with the prefix "/usr". Why, well I feel that it is more FHS-compliant since the reasoning in the ebuild states that things were moved back to /sbin and /lib to help people with netmounted /usr systems get things working properly. I take exception to that on two points: one, iptables is firewalling code and nothing more, and two, no firewall should have netmounted systems. The FHS recommends keeping / as free of things as possible. Only applications needed to repair filesystems and get simple communication going are recommended for install in /. Since no firewall should have any netmounted filesystems, I don't see the validity in the argument for moving everything into /sbin and /lib. However, changing the ebuild to fix this results in a "sandbox violation" and the emerge fails. So, how can I bypass the sandbox for my iptables install? This is not a swipe at the maintainer, I just have a different opinion of where I want my userspace firewall code to live. Thanks for any pointers. geoffrey -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Windows 2000 ... Some things you just outgrow. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++