Hello, I've written this out a few times in subthreads, so here's a repost with step-by-step instructions on how to get the updated libpng installed and actually working. step-by-step guide for fixing libpng problems: 1) emerge =libpng-1.2.1-r1 2) sh /usr/portage/media-libs/libpng/files/libpng-update-libs.sh 2a) 3) emerge packages from 2a 4) sh /usr/portage/media-libs/libpng/files/libpng-update-bins.sh 4a) 5) emerge packages from 4a Cumbersome steps I know, (also see my first post Thu, 4 Apr 2002 "[gentoo-user] Libpng 1.2.1 / force rebuild" ) The main problem you are facing is that for some reason the system mixes libraries. since the symlinks from libpng.so.2 and libpng.so.3 are intact, I really don't understand -why- the dynamic linker loads the wrong version of libpng. This is the core of the problem you and many others are facing. The libraries generally affected are: kdelibs imlib imlib2 gdk-pixbuf imagemagick mozilla gnome-libs cups gimp //Spider -- begin .signature This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end