begin quote On 12 Apr 2002 22:19:15 +0200 Terje Kvernes wrote: > > > really? whow. that's impressive. change banks. (yes, I know > people who have done this because said bank wasn't usable under > *nix) Impressive. great thinking. want me to switch os since the other banks doesn't support netscape at all?*bah* I really can't abide this sort of thinking. In my right, I have nothing against seing the new netscape-6 branch into portage, once you've solved the technical issues of the cute installer. (How will you get it to install not into / ? ) But the recommendation to change banks because of your browsers incapabilities and your own futile workings on that behalf is... *sigh* //Spider -- begin .signature This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end