I know well that this is was completely unscientific and unreproductible behaviour, with only one run and so on. PDC20265: chipset revision 2 PDC20265: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later PDC20265: (U)DMA Burst Bit ENABLED Primary PCI Mode Secondary PCI Mode. ide2: BM-DMA at 0x7400-0x7407, BIOS settings: hde:DMA, hdf:pio ide3: BM-DMA at 0x7408-0x740f, BIOS settings: hdg:pio, hdh:pio hde: Maxtor 5T030H3, ATA DISK drive its an Athlon t-bird 1GHz MemTotal: 288548 kB (PC-100 SDRAM) Filesystem on the drive used for compilations are ReiserFS. Using r5 hash to sort names ReiserFS version 3.6.25 also, the fact that I dont use the same compiler flags for both compilers are a dead giveaway. Better code, I can't speak for. More tests, I can, I've had to patch up some c++ code in order to fit the stricter tests, something I consider good. cpu idle time doesn't matter much when diskaccess is ventured, should I ever intend to do a good benchmark I'd use tmpfs for the whole process, and make sure I dont run out of RAM while doing it. This is a user comparsion, the feeling of how long things take to compile c++. And yes, the machine was in "normal use" at the time. Xchat, sylpheed and some aterm's. bad behaviour for a benchmarker. But standard for me whenever I compile things, and thats how I wanted the comparsion done. kernel is for once the default gentoo one, something I seldom use normally. (I prefer -jam series) //Spider > > So, regarding your benchmarks Spider. There is something wrong, > definately. And I think our gentoo kernel heads around here should > take a close look at it. Sure, GCC 3.X *is* slower on compilation > time, however, your tests show a very disturbing fact: Under some > circumstances, your CPU seems to spend unreasonable amount of time not > doing anything. This could be an indication of a bigger issue, > possibly a configuration or a hardware issue. There might be an issue > going on with the cache or the filesystem or even the loader. How much > memory the PC you used has and what kind of drive and filesystem did > you use? (I hope that all this is not a side effect of one of the > Gentoo kernel patches...) > -- begin happy99.exe This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end