This is great work and is highly appreciated :) and you are right, right now we wouldn't like to be swamped with more bugs related to gcc3 since we are attempting to get a stable release out the door, hopefully that will change in the next month and Azarah woodchip et al. will bring their heads together and get things working with gcc3 ... if not, I'll try ;) > > If you plan to try to do the same thing as I have, I recommend you DO > NOT use the -funroll-loops optimization. Now this is interesting news, and > Most of this document speaks in programmer terms. > > XFree86 4.2.0 (r8) Bad news, I really thought they had taken care of gcc3 in the step between 4.1 and 4.2. I hope you have submitted this upstream to their bug database? > groff 1.17.2 (r1) > - When using the original groff (compiled in the system build), it > will complain about the library missing > after gcc 3.0.x is installed. Hmm, this could be related to you unmerging the old gcc2.95.3 completely, as the libraries for the c part of the libs differ quite a bit, which in turn breaks all c++ programs. Solution for this would be to keep the old gcc installed so that all programs that link to its c++ libraries will still work. The troff coredump is something that should be filed upstream, if not, we can look at RedHat's patches for this as they are likely to have the same problems with things.(scheluded for the workings of gcc3 compability systems) (never do work twice if you can steal the working patches from somone who gets paid to do it) > pcmcia-cs 3.1.33 (r2) this is a known bug thats due to be fixed, in the meantime sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-3.1.31-r4 is known to work with wireless and should work for you. > perl 5.6.1 (r3) Could you please file a bug about this? It might not be of greatest importance but I still think it needs to be fixed before 1.0 release. assign it to and I'll go from there. > openjade 1.3 (r2) Okies, This needs to be filed upstream at the openjade maintainers, also somethign we'll need to steal patches from RH/Mandrake for. Thanks for reporting. > util-linux 2.11l Could you file this as an enchancement bug? Would also be great if you got to make the ebuild, assign to me ( and I'll get at it after the freeze is done :) The international kernel patch lags behind quite a bit last I checked, and I'm not sure of how good it works with the different vm's (Shouldn't interfere) xfs changes (might well interfere) and preemptive kernels. something for our venerable kernel hackers to look at if it's likely to be included. > evolution 1.0.2 (r1) > - Need to apply my IMAP patch, see bug 1355 (patch included) Evolution 1.0.3 was released yesterday, I'll try and get it merged into portage (1.0.3) if my net resolves to working again. > lame 3.91 > - rtp.h has #ifdef 0, not #if 0 lame bug, should be filed upstream, but is noted for later. > screen app-misc/screen-3.9.11 app-misc/screen-3.9.9 > > avi-xmms 1.2.2 (r2) This should be removed from portage as the functionality now depends on USE="avi" for a patch to the main xmms that uses avifile 0.60 if you still have it, "emerge rsync --clean" will make sure it dissapears > gtkmm-addons (0.5.3) Probably this is "stale" now as gtk+ 2.0 is out the door but its also a upstream bug, but thanks for noted incompability. > If you have any questions, comments, or need more detail about > anything I've mentioned above, please let me know. I hope this is > helpful. I'm not finished, theres still a few loose ends to tie up, > however I'm getting there. MOST of my system is up and running :) This is great news and has been something me and others have been looking for, thanks for the update on the state of things, much welcomed. I'm looking forwards to see what happens next on this front. thanks again, //Spider -- begin happy99.exe This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end