There have been some people running thier pieholes about the new "init standard" and I'd like to comment on this for a brief second. I happened to be checking in some initscripts for packages that I believed were fine. Noone bothered to document the changes or this supposed standard, so I continued to happpily repair / replace the scripts that I saw were'nt rc6 ready. Then some _child_ proceeds to talk down to me through his idiotic commit messages rather than documenting the new "standard" and then letting someone know about this documentation so that I could do the scripts the "Right Way" and not have to duplicate my work. When I attempted to explain the situation to this person, he continued to intentionally irritate me, just as a child would. I think this person must be about 12 or 13 and often wonder if his mother knows he's up all night on his puter or what. So I'd like to ask nicely if there is any documentation with regards to the new supposed standard or not, and if not could someone please put something together? I'd rather not waste anymore time than I already have with this as I have more important things to than rewrite initscripts. Lastly, I'd like to say that I had payed attention when some points were made to me about the initscripts, but one commit mistake does not warrant the kind of ignorance I witnessed as result of it. -- Ben Lutgens Sistina Software Inc. "In the war against terrorism, there are no rear lines. We're all on the front lines" - William Cohen