Hi, I'm working to create a debian package for keychain and include it on our unstable distribution. I'm just writing to know if that's ok with you guys (I hope it is :)). The package is ready and you guys can see it at http://www.kitiara.org/~mendoza/keychain/. Also I added two new options to it that I hope will be included on a new release of keychain. The options are: --nocolor : This option tells keychain to not use the Colorization features. --ext string : This option tells keychain to add the string string to the ~/.ssh-agent file. For example --ext txt would make keychain to create a file name ~/.ssh-agent.txt. This option is useful if your home directory is on nfs and you are login on different machines. That way you can have a different file depending on the system you are on. I decided to add an extension to the ~/.ssh-agent instead of getting the name from the user to avoid overwriting a key file if the user makes a mistake with the option. I included this options because I needed those to be able use keychain in the environment I'm working. Also the package includes a man page I created using docbook-to-man that I hope you guys will add to the distribution of keychain. I'm including the patch with includes all the changes I made to keychain and the files used to create the debian package. Bye Cesar Mendoza http://www.kitiara.org -- "A scientist once wrote that all truth passes through three stages: first it is ridiculed, then violently opposed and eventually, accepted as self-evident." -- Schopenhauer