I'm considering a change and would like feedback on it. Currently there are two ebuilds for vim. The first is sys-apps/vim-nogui, the second is app-editors/vim-gtk. I would like to collapse these into a single ebuild called app-editors/vim. This ebuild fulfills the following goals: (1) Provide a nogui version of Vim that includes the various interpreters (Perl, Python, Ruby) that are listed in USE. The sys-apps/vim-nogui ebuild can't do this because it's designed to be used on minimal system installation. However I think that ebuild can retire now that e3 is available for minimal installations. (2) Provide a gui version of Vim that is built depending on the USE flags (unlike the current app-editors/vim-gtk ebuild). For example, use gnome, use gtk, or use X (Athena widgets in this case). This version is installed as /usr/bin/gvim (3) Provide them in the same ebuild, so that it isn't necessary to maintain separate ebuilds to follow the versions of Vim. (4) Upgrade to Vim 6. Officially this version is still in Beta, but it's used by many people in production already because of the added features. I believe RH ships Vim 6 in their most recent version. I think these goals cater to 95% of Vim users by providing both graphical and non-graphical versions, with the full feature-set in each. The only reason I haven't committed it yet is that I'm not sure how to go about retiring sys-apps/vim-nogui and app-editors/vim-gtk. Also, I would like to verify with the other Gentoo developers that this would be an acceptable course. If I receive no negative feedback to this email in the next couple days, I will pursue retiring the current vim ebuilds, and commit this new app-editors/vim ebuild. Thanks, Aron P.S. Thanks to Insyte who handed me his first Vim 6 ebuild, even though it has been changed significantly since then.