First, sorry to anybody who has emailed me or attempted to contact me on IRC recently. I've been out of town for a few days. This morning I started wondering where USE flags are actually used in the ebuilds, so I quickly generated a report. Here is the generator and the output, in case anybody else is interested. Yes, the generator is a hack, I just wrote it out quickly on the commandline. $ cd /usr/portage $ find . -type d | while read d; do /bin/ls -t1 $d/*.ebuild 2>/dev/null | head -1 done | xargs perl -ne ' s/#.*//; s/^\s*//; /DESCRIPTION/ && next; ($f = $ARGV) =~ s|.*/||; /\buse\s+(\w+)/ || next; printf "%-20s %-30s %s", $1, $f, $_' | sort > report.txt Note there are some false ones in the mix that I didn't bother to weed out. That's why the line from the ebuild is included in the report, so that those are apparent. Of additional interest are those USE flags, set in /etc/make.conf, that are never referenced in any ebuilds. Those are listed below. (Btw, I realize this is just about the least efficient way of producing this report. That's not my goal here.) $ . /etc/make.conf $ for u in $USE; do grep -q "^$u" report.txt || echo $u; done lm_sensors libg++ Aron