1.11.2005, 11:00:22, Thierry Carrez wrote: > Aren't those messages displayed after the damage is done ? Typical use : > - emerge --sync run as a daily cron job > - emerge -a mysql > - great, a new version is there. Typing "Yes" > - system gets borken > - emerge spits out message saying 14 files need updating and there is 1 > unread news item > I'm probably missing something here. Please elaborate on how this GLEP > meets the "Preemptive" design goal... I'm probably missing something obvious here, because I can't see why *existing* emerge --changelog code cannot be recycled for this feature to display upgrade messages when running emerge -uDav world... -- Best regards, Jakub Moc mailto:jakub@gentoo.org GPG signature: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xCEBA3D9E Primary key fingerprint: D2D7 933C 9BA1 C95B 2C95 B30F 8717 D5FD CEBA 3D9E ... still no signature ;)