El dom, 04-07-2010 a las 16:29 +0200, Lars Wendler escribió: > Hi list, > > now that openrc has no active upstram anymore [1] what shall we do? To be > honest I was really looking forward for openrc/baselayout-2 finally becoming > stable in Gentoo but this seems to be quite implausible now that openrc has no > upstream anymore. > If there's anyone out there who would volunteer to maintain openrc, please > step up now or else I fear we must abandon openrc which would be very sad. > > [1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/326865 What is its status over current baselayout-1? I am still using last one, but seems that baselayout-2+openrc have some advantages over current stable, then, maybe we should stabilize it anyway (when possible) until a better replacement is found :-/