On Mon, 05/11/2007 в 10:03 -0800, Donnie Berkholz wrote: > On 14:23 Mon 05 Nov , Peter Volkov (pva) wrote: > > 1.1 net-firewall/ipset/ipset- > > > > src_defs() { > > # these are used in both of src_compile and src_install > > myconf="${myconf} PREFIX=" > > myconf="${myconf} LIBDIR=/lib" > > Should this be get_libdir()? Yes. Fixed. > Also seems like instead of having a function to do this, you could just > define the variables once in pkg_setup() or src_compile() as globals. Fixed too. > > pkg_config() { > > tar -jxf "${DISTDIR}"/iptables-${IPTVERINS}.tar.bz2 || \ > > die "Unable to unpack iptables-${IPTVERINS}.tar.bz2" > > Could you just call unpack() here? Ok. Done. BTW, is it possible to force portage to fetch sources if they do not exist in ${DISTDIR}? Also does there exist a better way to find iptables sources than find version without revision: IPTVERINS=`echo $(best_version net-firewall/iptables) | \ sed -n 's:^[^/]*/[[:alpha:]]*-\([0-9]\+\([.][0-9]\+\)*[a-z]\?\(_\(pre\|p\|beta\|alpha\|rc\)[0-9]*\)*\)\(-r[0-9]\+\)\?$:\1:p' and construct package name (iptables-${IPTVERINS}}.tar.bz2)? > > einfo "Enter path to your kernel sources, relative to ${ROOT}" > > echo -n "[/usr/src/linux]: " > > read K_DIR > > [ "${ROOT}${K_DIR}" == "/" ] && K_DIR=${ROOT}/usr/src/linux > > /usr/src/linux should be what's used here, and if they want to change > the kernel to affect, they should change where the symlink points > instead of having a secondary config mechanism. Agree, and fixed too. Thank you, very much, for review. -- Peter.