On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 13:39 -0700, Ned Ludd wrote: > You might be overreacting a little here. To bring you up to speed > vapier actually filed the original bug for this after I first noticed > one of these atoms creeping into the tree while doing pre release atom > compare testing for portage-utils around early February. Till this > moment there was no definitive decision of any sort. I think the overreaction here is due to the fact that a seemingly "emergency" Council meeting was convened to make this decision. And that is a bit confusing (to me, at least). Why the sudden urge to "fix" this right *now*? I understand that there's a recent addition with ffmpeg and mplayer etc, but this isn't exactly an epidemic in package versioning sweeping through the tree, by any stretch of the imagination. I think a council decision is probably the correct thing (with heavy input from portage and the development community), but an emergency council decision? I'm with Doug on this: it's a little out of place at the moment. Especially when there isn't really an alternative scheme that's been set in stone (the zeroed-out date field idea is one idea -- no offense, Robin, but it does seem a little on the klunky side). I think it'd be nice to first open such alternatives up to discussion before making emergency council decisions and announcements like this. Thanks, Seemant Thanks, Seemant