Am Sonntag, den 26.02.2006, 21:25 -0800 schrieb Donnie Berkholz: [...] > You might want to talk to the maintainer and herd, not all of us. Or > even file a bug for updates -- some people are very busy and just don't > notice there's a new version. Tried to talk to the maintainer, no answer for days. What would you suggest to do now? Greets, Lars -- "Kriterium des Wahren ist nicht seine unmittelbare Kommunizierbarkeit an jedermann" -- Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, aus: »Negative Dialektik« name: Lars H. Strojny web: street: Engelsstraße 23 blog: city: D-51103 Köln mail/jabber: f-print: 1FD5 D8EE D996 8E3E 1417 328A 240F 17EB 0263 AC07