On Thu, 2005-27-10 at 09:36 +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote: > On Thursday 27 October 2005 02:15, Luca Barbato wrote: > > Paul de Vrieze wrote: > > > In the case of embedded it is clear that what in binary distributions > > > is part of the development package (.la files, static libraries, > > > header files) is not desired at all. To break dependencies to only > > > strip away some of the headers seems to me a half solution that > > > breaks a lot and doesn't solve the problem either. > > > > Btw embedded has already different way to archive the same result (ok, > > removing headers and static libs after isn't really the cleanest > > solution but works fine) > > The hardest part is probably to build all these packages as the finals > shouldn't have headers while the intermediates (used to build other > finals against) should. Again, why not leave everything in the packages and use INSTALL_MASK on embedded systems ? -- Olivier Crête tester@gentoo.org x86 Security Liaison