On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 10:17 -0500, Brian Harring wrote: > 2) ebuild maintenance will be a nightmare- every new version will > require again walking the source to see if the lines you've drawn for > dividing the source are still proper. This is another good point. I have two split packages that I maintain. They are ut2004{,-data,-bonuspack-ece} and kudzu/libkudzu. In my case, the distinctions are actually quite easy, as ut2004-data pulls from the CD, ECE pulls from a distfile (or the CD, with lots of detection-fu), and ut2004 is an actual package of the latest patch files, not a meta-package. As for kudzu/libkudzu, the kudzu Makefile already has this distinction built-in, so I don't have to maintain it myself. I'd see no problem with this in mysql, if, for example, mysql's Makefile had a "make libmysqlclient" target. In that case, I would make it a separate package. This would also mean a lot of work on your part, as every single package that had a dependency on mysql would now need some way of specifying whether the server was going to be local or remote, to properly *DEPEND on the correct package. All in all, I think it isn't worth even attempting at this time. > Short version, control what gets installed via use flags, but don't > introduce it until use deps are available in a stable portage. > Breaking the beast up now is short sighted since use deps are > already implemented in the core rewrite. Yes, waiting is a pain in > the ass, but the work to break it up and continue to indefinitely > force subpackaging on an package isn't worth it. Agreed. -- Chris Gianelloni Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager Games - Developer Gentoo Linux