On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 01:13 -0400, Kristian Benoit wrote: > What I want is "emerge busybox uclibc vanilla-sources nano". Should > unpack only the 3 first packages, show me busybox menuconfig, uclibc > menuconfig and vanilla-sources menuconfig and only then perform the rest > of the installation as usual (without re-unpacking the 3 packages). I really really hope that you want this to be a totally optional feature that is never ever enabled by default. When I run emerge -uD world on a server I don't accept any ebuild waiting for interactive input. For stagebuilding and other activities this behaviour is also unacceptable. > And > save the configs for futur use. So if my configs does not fit my need, > re-emerging busybox with USE=savedconfig should get me the busybox > menuconfig back using the previously configured ".config". Patch the ebuilds with your .config > But anyway, the question is not whether the idea is good or not, but how > to get a menuconfig that works within ebuild.sh (called from spawn in > portage_exec ... called from the user with ebuild or emerge)? *shudder* I hope this stays limited to your overlay. wkr, Patrick -- Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move