On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 08:59 -0700, Jim Northrup wrote: > might I suggest not kicking #gentoo-dev visitors who ask for voice to > speak to the devs without a 'rtfm & go get a gentoo job' smokescreen ? I hope this was only a misunderstanding / miscommunication. #g-dev is already quite crowded and not a support channel like #gentoo. So voice is only given when you can convince a dev that you have a serious problem that can't be fixed by some RTFM'ing or the other support channels (#gentoo, #gentoo-bugs, ...) If your problem is "easy", #gentoo or RTFM works much better. btw, hijacking a thread is also not "nice". Please start a new thread when you wish to discuss a different problem and don't hijack another thread for that ... hth, Patrick (bonsaikitten) -- Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move