Hi all, In attempting to solve bug #29937 [1] I would like to add a CVS snapshot of the current net-wireless/orinoco driver - but I am faced with a problem trying to come up with a proper naming scheme for this new ebuild. The current ebuild is orinoco-0.15_rc2-r2.ebuild, and the logical name for a CVS snapshot would, as I see it, be orinoco-0.15_rc2_pre20050516.ebuild, but mixing _rcX and _preY is not allowed by portage. I can't go with just orinoco-0.15_pre20050516.ebuild as _rcX is considered newer than _preY. I guess I could go with a simple -rX bump, but that wouldn't really reflect what the ebuild is - and I'd hate to have to add either a live CVS ebuild or a brand new net-wireless/orinoco-usb ebuild, since that would duplicate functionality, add unnecessary blocking etc. Ideas for a better solution to this will be most welcome. Sincerely, Brix [1]: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29937 -- Henrik Brix Andersen Gentoo Linux