On Fri, 2005-03-11 at 09:26 +0000, Graham Murray wrote: > Luke-Jr writes: > > > Actually, both ChrisWhite's and your signatures show up as bad under KMail > > CVS... I think this is usually caused by a newline being added/removed > > between signing and sending, but I'm not sure where the bug is since CW and > > Peter use EnigMail, you use Mutt, and I use KMail... not really any common > > program to fit to the symptoms. > > And they both show as bad here using gnus-cvs. Weird only Robin's shows bad here, fingerprint from sig isn't matching the key it's trying to retrieve. Chris's shows up fine. -- Brad Cowan Developer, Gentoo Linux http://www.gentoo.org/~bcowan Public Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB1F16A56 Key fingerprint = C408 75B9 E68D 26E2 EAAE 20CF 4D5E 293D B1F1 6A56