On So, 2005-02-27 at 08:50 -0500, purslow@sympatico.ca wrote: > 050227 Lars Strojny wrote: > > [1] http://www.usrportage.de/article/129/ > > "Not found: please check the name & try again". Hm, strange. Works quite well from here. Can you send me the result of your dns-request? Greets, Lars -- name: Lars Strojny web: http://strojny.net street: Yorckstrasse 22 blog: http://usrportage.de city: D-71636 Ludwigsburg mail/jabber: lars@strojny.net f-print: 1FD5 D8EE D996 8E3E 1417 328A 240F 17EB 0263 AC07