Hi -dev, If we could join our collective congratulatory statements here, and welcome a new developer onboard, Alex Howells (or Astinus as you'll know him). Alex hails from Wales, where he's currently studying "Software Engineering". He's learning Java, but says he can't wait to get onto all the fun (and frustration) of C and C++. We say "learning" because by his own admission, as it currently stands "it could be plausibly argued that I can't program my way out of a wet napkin." We assume that the entry requirements for a wet napkin are sufficiently low. In accordance with his work at the UK Ministry of Defence, he has been dubbed our "covert dev" - 008 "License to break the tree". (This is of course intended only as a joke). Alex will be joining the AMD64 team, to contribute documentation and squash bugs, so please welcome him aboard. -- Mike Gardiner (Obz) ------------------- irc.freenode.org/#gentoo-dev #gentoo-desktop obz@gentoo.org http://www.gentoo.org