On Sun, 2004-09-19 at 01:16, Allen Parker wrote: > Hey Ned, solar, hardened folks... > > I've got a couple of pennies to throw into this mix: > Even though my own participation (due to work schedules - 3 jobs > doesn't leave a whole lot of time for other stuff) has waned, I > believe that your hardened toolchain is top-notch. Yes, it's bleeding > edge, it's not mature, etc... that doesn't mean we should have a > partial-birth abortion. Hardened has been around for a while, yes, but > if you spend 10 minutes in #gentoo you'll see, a LOT of our users > aren't prepared for something as in-depth as hardened. > > Gentoo currently LEADS linux distributions in configurability in > regards to hardened/selinux/security. Bar NONE! For the experienced, > hardened *can't* be replaced by anything out there. If I had the skill > level to assist in any way, I'd be the first guy in line to help. > Unfortunately, my experience is more limited to finding > non-programming solutions to get the job, whatever that job may be, > done. Perhaps this thread will catch someone's eye, someone that CAN > help, at least drum up some user support. > > Solar, before reading your email, I had no idea that you were feeling > like that. Maybe we can get someone with a *little* more experience > than me, perhaps a trusted user/non-dev that can be a bug-filter? > > To the hardened community: If you can afford the time, check > bugs.gentoo.org for hardened bugs... if there are bugs that you know > of that are FUD, email a list of bug #'s to your favorite hardened > dev, after replying with a solution to the particular user, whether or > not it's a PEBKAC issue or not. > > that's all for me, gotta head back to work *sigh* Don't panic yet.. So far I have been getting good feedback from some users and atleast one potential developer in some mails off list. I plan to put a detailed mail together in as few days and mail the interested parties and hopefully assemble a larger more professional team so we can fully continue to offer these types of technologies and continue to push fwd together. > > Allen Parker > infowolfe@irc.freenode.net (when i'm online) #/tmp #gentoo-hardened #gentoo-dev. > > -- > gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list -- Ned Ludd Gentoo (hardened,security,infrastructure,embedded,toolchain) Developer