On Sun, 2004-09-12 at 20:03, Andrew Fant wrote: > Uhm, wouldn't that be an umlaut in place of the first e, Kurt instead of an > accent? > > And thanks for the hint on Seemant. I'll have to get him a Nick Tahoe's > garbage plate shipped down to him for the holidays 8). > > JFMuggs MY gosh, how many Rot-chesterians are on this list?? For the record, Nick's is nice when you're drunk, but the best thing about the city (apart from Ming's on S. Clinton Ave) is Toronto. -- Seemant Kulleen http://dev.gentoo.org/~seemant Public Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x3458780E Key fingerprint = 23A9 7CB5 9BBB 4F8D 549B 6593 EDA2 65D8 3458 780E