On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 01:14, Mike Frysinger wrote: > actually, how is this for an idea ... > instead of a file many people would have to update and sync across different > profiles (huge pita, look at some of the virtual issues for example), what > about if we extend the IUSE syntax ? then maintainers of their own ebuilds > can determine 'default' USE setting on a per-package and even per-version > basis ... > now, whenever a user does not have 'justify' or 'mac' in their USE, either in > the positive (USE=justify) or in the negative (USE=-justify), portage would > turn around and add justify and mac to USE for this package/version for us I think it is a great idea. The only thing against it is that if a user didn't set the flag for herself, and between versions the defaults have changed... But on the other hand, it can be considered a good thing. -- Eldad Zack Key/Fingerprint at pgp.mit.edu, ID 0x96EA0A93