On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 00:26, Brian Jackson wrote: > For anyone who hasn't read it, GLEP 15's goal is to create a script repository > for developers and users to store useful scripts. > > Work started on writing it, but has since stalled. The people that were > working on it did good work, but have since become involved with other work. > > I'm looking for a few people with experience with web programming to pick up > where the others left off. If you are interested and capable, please let me > know (off list preferrably). > > --Iggy I'm going to take this up, but from scratch in Python. There isn't a considerable amount of code there at the moment, so it shouldn't take too long to get back to the same level. -- Ian Leitch Gentoo Linux Developer GPG Public Key: http://dev.gentoo.org/~port001/port001-pgp-key.asc Fingerprint: 91AE 2E49 3DE6 B714 E0F0 D2E3 79F6 7879 6017 4462