On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 09:45, Ian Leitch wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 16:14, Alex Veber wrote:
> > I am not sure its a good Idea, I work on Gentoo from home and from school 
> > uploading and downloading files all the time, the computers at school are 
> > public and I can't put my key in there (If I forget to logout or something).
> You could ssh to home, then ssh to dev... if its not too much trouble. 

That's what I do.  And I've gotten so good at typing my "strong"
password I can do it even with people watching and they won't get it. ;)

<Vix ulla tam iniqua pax, quin bello vel aequissimo sit potior>