To whom it may concern, Due to the bug with the queries taking an excessive amount of time, I used the 2.17.4 version cgi for a temporary fix which caused the buglist to loose the login cookies. I resolved the orignal problem with the folks at and solved another issue people were having. The preset queries are no longer on the query page, it's on the buglist page at the bottom where it also has forget this query. You'll be noticing some new preset queries in the future and two gentlemen who will be doing the janitor work for which should resolve around 700 of the current bugs that are open and untouched for the last 90 days. If you currently have some issues with bugzilla, please try to file a bug in the future. It might be easier to message me on irc and ask for the request but at the same time, when I do an upgrade some of those changes might be non-existant and no way to see how I fixed it in the first place other than a diff which takes longer than looking up a bug that I worked to get the feature in the first place. Thanks, Benjamin Coles Gentoo Infrastructure