On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 20:20, Brett I.Holcomb wrote: > I'm running xfce4 on an AMD Athlon. I decided to merge xfce4-session today. > However, even with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS set to ~x86 it tells me there are no > unmasked packages. I checked /usr/portage/profiles/package.mask and did not > find it there. I then checked the ebuild and it has KEYWORDS="-* AMD64"! > > What is with this? As far as I know xfce4-session is for x86s. Why does it > have AMD64 in the keywords and disallow all others? I unmasked it on amd64, but it was masked on everything before. According to the ChangeLog, apparently it conflicted with the xfce4 beta. Not sure if it should be unmasked or if I should re-mask on amd64, so cc'ing bcowan on this for more info. Regards, Daniel