> Let's say you've got a file, 'foo' that contains > ----CUT---- > chown root.root foo > ----CUT---- > > # echo "`cat foo | cut -d "." -f1`:`cat foo | cut -d "." -f2`" > > seems to work on the simple case. > > I'm sure someone can come up with a regex to match the dotted-chown. this is easily fixed using a simple sed, however when it comes down to the actual ebuilds, this isnt a possibility. -- John Mylchreest. Gentoo Linux: http://www.gentoo.org Public Key: gpg --recv-keys 0xEAB9E721 http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xEAB9E721 Key fingerprint: 0670 E5E4 F461 806B 860A 2245 A40E 72EB EAB9 E721