Quote from the PaX docs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The goal of the PaX project is to research various defense mechanisms against the exploitation of software bugs that give an attacker arbitrary read/write access to the attacked task's address space. This class of bugs contains among others various forms of buffer overflow bugs (be they stack or heap based), user supplied format string bugs, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have an amd64 and your bold, brave and want to be on the bleeding edge of security solutions then your in luck. The PaX Team has come up with an experimental patch for the amd64 that needs some testing from a few somebody's that own or have root access to amd64 Grab yourself these three files to begin testing. * ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.4/linux-2.4.22.tar.bz2 * http://pageexec.virtualave.net/pax-linux-2.4.22-200308271615.patch * http://grsecurity.net/~paxguy1/pax-linux-2.4.22.patch.amd64 unpack the kernel tar jxvf linux-2.4.22.tar.bz2 add the pax-linux-2.4.22-200308271615.patch add the pax-linux-2.4.22.patch.amd64 Enable pax in your kernel with as many options as your willing to help test. Compile the kernel # make menuconfig # make dep bzImage modules modules_install tell your bootloader to use the arch/amd64/bzImage file reboot and report success/failures via email to pageexec@freemail.hu and or real-time on irc.freenode.net in #pax -- Ned Ludd Gentoo Linux Developer (Hardened)