On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 22:17, Georgi Georgiev wrote: > On 02/06/2003 at 12:55:31(+0000), rob holland used 0.8Kbytes just to say: > > > > --On Monday, June 02, 2003 13:46:51 +0200 Ian Phillips > > wrote: > > > > >How about media-makemusic as a more descriptive category name. If I were > > >new to Gentoo I'd be confused by media-music and media-sound. > > > > media-compose maybe? > > compose would exclude a lot of packages (i.e. it wouldn't be big enough). I was > going to suggest media-edit, but somehow it doesn't sound right either. I'll throw my two bob in ... What about: media-players or sound-compose (sound creation apps) sound-players (players, duh) sound-libs (sound related bits 'n' bobs .. alsa?) sound-tools (mixers etc..) The only drawback with specific sound-* categories is that a good portion of players (in particular) play more than just sound (ie: video as well). -- Troy Dack "Yes, yes, I know that, Sydney ... Everybody knows that! tad@gentoo.org ... But look: Four wrongs squared, minus two wrongs to the fourth power, divided by this formula, do make a right." -- Gary Larson Public Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4D90BE3C Key fingerprint = 1F3D 6C15 16AA 09D5 0C96 92E5 FD89 16F9 4D90 BE3C