On Tue, 2003-05-20 at 21:24, Paul de Vrieze wrote: > On Tuesday 20 May 2003 16:54, Stephan Hermann wrote: > > > > But I don't have a gentoo distribution as base linux. > > Company standard is debian and we have a split between OS administration > > and "application" administration. > > (application in the meaning of: software to run self coded products for > > customers) > > > > so I can't install the portage tree in /etc /usr/portage etc. I need to > > install it at /opt/apps/portage for example. > > Unfortunately most ebuilds presume that they are build on a gentoo system, as > such they have hardcoded directories. In general portage is not really that > suitable as a secondary package manager. > Actually no. Most stuff use variables set by portage, with only two or three packages using hardcoded: --------------------------------------------------------------- $ find . -type f -name '*.ebuild' -exec awk ' $0 !~ /^[[:space:]]*#/ { foo = $0 if (sub(/usr\/portage/, "", foo)) { bar = FILENAME sub(/^\.\//, "", bar) print bar ": " $0 } }' {} \; app-sci/tbass/tbass-20030204.ebuild: einfo "/usr/portage/distfiles before emerging." app-sci/tbass/tbass-20030318.ebuild: einfo "/usr/portage/distfiles before emerging." dev-java/blackdown-jre/blackdown-jre-1.3.1-r9.ebuild: . /usr/portage/eclass/inherit.eclass net-ftp/jftpgw/jftpgw-0.13.1.ebuild: FILEDIR="/usr/portage/net-ftp/jftpgw/files" net-ftp/jftpgw/jftpgw-0.13.4.ebuild: FILEDIR="/usr/portage/net-ftp/jftpgw/files" sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout- keepdir /usr/include /usr/src /usr/portage sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout- if [ ! -d "${ROOT}/usr/portage" ] sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout- keepdir /usr/portage sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout- if [ ! -d "${ROOT}/usr/portage" ] sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout- keepdir /usr/portage sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout- keepdir /usr/include /usr/src /usr/portage sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout- keepdir_mount /usr/portage sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout- keepdir_mount /usr/portage sys-apps/busybox/busybox-0.60.5-r1.ebuild: einfo "Edit /usr/portage/sys-apps/busybox/files/Config.h and" --------------------------------------------------------- It will thus not be too much issue to fix these, as the only broken ones seem to be: app-sci/tbass/tbass-20030204.ebuild app-sci/tbass/tbass-20030318.ebuild dev-java/blackdown-jre/blackdown-jre-1.3.1-r9.ebuild net-ftp/jftpgw/jftpgw-0.13.1.ebuild net-ftp/jftpgw/jftpgw-0.13.4.ebuild sys-apps/busybox/busybox-0.60.5-r1.ebuild with baselayout prob also falling under what should be fixed, but could be given to discussion, as I guess you would not install it if you use portage as second package system. Regards, -- Martin Schlemmer Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop/System Team Developer Cape Town, South Africa