Hi, I've been writing article on setting up a server using Gentoo 1.4 for a windows Network. Basically it covers setting up DHCP, DNS, SAMBA, Apache and MySQL. Some other servers, like sendmail, CVS, OpenSSL Apache server and Squid will be included in the future. The prelimenary article can be found at http://www.bravecobra.com/docs/setupserver.html That article is subject to change of course. However, before I publish it to the Wide Internet world, I would like some of you Gentoo experts to read it through and let me know whether I told something wrong or how I could explain something better to the newbies. Yes, it's intend to be a newbie guide. Any further help is much appreciated. Tnx Brave Cobra Email : bravecobra@pandora.be Website : http://www.bravecobra.com