Hi guys. All over -user and -dev lately have been problems with glibc upgrading... I must admit that I, too, was taken by surprise, but with Seemant's help I've been able to work out a way to fix my system up. There might be typos, and it might not work quickly, but it worked for me. I'm not getting missing symbols anymore. Before anything else, let's clear out the colors. Set NOCOLOR to true. export NOCOLOR="true" First, I found all the statically linked libraries in /usr/lib ; I know that's not all of them, but I wasn't sure where else to send people. find /usr/lib -name "*.a" > STATIC_LIBS Now we grab the package names that own those libs... (the cut is to grab the * at the end, if it exists.) This should take a while before outputting anything to PACKAGES, as sort waits for the input to finish before doing anything. ( for i in `cat STATIC_LIBS` ; do ( qpkg -nc -f ${i} ) done )| \ cut -f1 -d\ |sort -u > PACKAGES We need these to be in the right order. So, let's pretend to emerge them all from scratch, then cut out the version numbers. (This step I'm not so sure about - mainly the version number cutting. *Mine* worked, and I have a fairly full system - KDE and GNOME, but it might not work for everyone...) emerge -pe `cat PACKAGES` | grep ebuild | cut -c16-100 > ORDER cat ORDER | sed 's/-[0-9].*$//' > F_ORDER I ran *this* through a python script: needed=open("PACKAGES").readlines() inorder=[] for line in open("F_ORDER").readlines(): if line in needed: inorder.append(line) open("FINAL", "w").writelines(inorder) Now you'll have an ordered list in FINAL. emerge `cat FINAL` should do it. It'll take a while, but it'll fix your static libs... mjt -- Matthew J. Turk satai@gentoo.org