Hi all I'm making an ebuild here, and have run into a small "problem". The ebuild is for the Unix Amiga Emulator, or uae for short. uae allows you to select which backend to compile against during ./configure, and you can choose *either* x, svgalib, ncurses or sdl. If a user has, say, both X and svga in his USE variable, how do I determine whether to use X or svgalib for backend? According to what I believe is common sense I would prioritize them as X, sdl, svga, ncurses - but is there a better way to do this, or do I just go by feeling? -- Erik Grinaker Freelance UNIX/Linux systems consultant "Perfection is acheived not when there is nothing more to add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away" - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry