Hi everyone, since a number of people privately asked me why I decided to leave the Gentoo Linux development team, I wrote an article that explains what drove me to this decision. For those that are interested, it can be read here : http://www.uwyn.com/resources/gentoo_departure.html Note that will continue to use and advocate Gentoo Linux since a lot of talented developers are working on it and they contribute innovative and powerful solutions and ideas. For those that are interested, I did a Gentoo Linux presentation yesterday for the Brussels Linux Usergroup. About 20 persons attended and were very interested. Afterwards I helped a few of them to install Gentoo right there on their computer. Since it took me some time to prepare this presentation, I'm attaching my OpenOffice slides so that those who need it can use it as a base to create their own. -- Geert Bevin Uwyn "Use what you need" Lambermontlaan 148 http://www.uwyn.com 1030 Brussels gbevin@uwyn.com Tel & Fax +32 2 245 41 06