On Fri, 2002-03-01 at 20:39, Christian Loitsch wrote: > hi, > > I just finished compiling the base system on an MMX-130 Mhz with 48MB of > Ram. (slow but doable). Note that 48MB were nearly always enough for > the compilation! (ok glibc would have liked more ;). > > I made some observations, and would like to know, which of them are > considered as bugs. (so that I can enter them in bugzilla) > > * why is there an mta-mysql USE flag, and no mta-postgres? I'm thinking there should not be a mta-postgres one, as the MTA should compile in either if 'mysql' or 'postgres' is in the USE. > * why do you call the postgresql-flag postgres? After all its name is > postgresql (you don't call mysql mys) Shortness ? Not sure on this one. > * why are the permissions of /etc/make.conf so strict (only 600 on my > machine) (i hope it wasn't me who changed them ;) Mine is 0644. Should not really make a difference until user 'emerging' is implemented. > * as I am behind a firewall, which asks for username and password, I > could not use wget. The only program, which is (afaik!) capable of > even "tunneling" through an ftp-proxy is lftp. > I downloaded a static version (and modified the lftp-get script, so > that it accepted a Path-option) and it worked really well. > But it took me quite some time to realize that bootstrap doesn't use > FETCHCOMMAND. You could at least mention it somewhere. > I also really think that lftp is more appropriate than wget. > * fortunately I have access to a machine outside the firewall and was > therefore able to make the rsync there and then download it via ftp, > would be really nice, to do this directly. > * why does the installation of grub won't work if /boot is not a > partition on its own? (had no cdrom and "installed" the iso-image > temporarely on the boot-partition) I think it is a oversite/bug of a recent bug fix, will have a look later on if I get the time. > * my installed system works "worse" than the iso-image. > the installation-manual does not explain how to set up the right > keyboard and "make menuconfig" shows funny chars instead of the lines. > (afaik this is only an Env. variable, but which one) You should edit /etc/rc.conf. Check the Desktop guide, as I am almost sertain its in there. > * depscan is maybe not called with the right params in the boot-scripts: > depscan: Usage depscan .... This probibly means you have a old/broken script in /etc/init.d. The next baselayout should fix this issue. > * why do you ask users in you manual to execute depmod, if it is in 1 of > your boot-scripts? Extra info/help that was included in the rc-scripts later on to make life more painless. Cannot hurt to remind a user, but guess we can remove it if its really that a big a deal. > * I guess the best way to avoid "broken" Gentoos because of forgetting > the -w option with nano, would be to make an alias right at the > beginning. (like nanow) Gentoo is in general for system admin's and developers intended (last time I checked), this we try to educate, rather than spoon feed. > * i think that you should also treat pcmcia a little bit in your > install-manual. On the TODO list somewhere. > * because of wrong parameters the pcmcia-boot-script failed. But there > was no message. like [ FAIL ] > Submit a bug report at http://bugs.gentoo.org/ > > * I have not yet verified the next point: > I have a pcmcia-network-card, but because of a race condition (will > make a bug-report), I had to remove the net.eth0 script (rc-update del > net.eth0), and call it manually. > Surprisingly when I halt the system there is still a message: > ?? Bringing down eth0 ?? which of course fails, because I brought > it down already manually. > You sure you did a '/etc/init.d/net.eth0 stop' as well ? What exactly is the race condition ? > > Please note that I do _not_ consider everything I mentioned as bug! > Sure :) Greetings, -- Martin Schlemmer Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Developer Cape Town, South Africa