Hi! aspell (the "Something Wicked This Way Comes" version )is giving me fits. Rather than shoot myself in the head, I will swallow my pride and bare my ass to the world by asking for help. Maybe the solution is painfully (to me) obvious to someone else. Everything goes smoothly merging with the ebuild, until the build enters the data subdir where it promptly bombs with a "cat broken pipe" error. A .manual /configure, make sequence also bombs, but with a error 134. The ebuild is fairly straight forward, just patching the tarball with the lastest upstream patch, and enabling a doc-dir configure flag. I'll attach my working (or more appropriately non-working) ebuild. Below is a snippet from the offending data/Makefile. There are multiple section in the ebuild just like this one. Very humbly, tod ******snip aspell-.33.7.1/data/Makefile ****************** english-med-only: cd ../; bd=`pwd`; cd scowl/final; \ cat english-*.10 english-*.20 english-*.35 english-*.50 \ english-*.60 english-*.65 \ special-*.35 special-*.50 \ | $$bd/src/aspell --lang=english \ create master $$bd/data/english-med-only ********end snip************************************************