tor 2002-01-10 klockan 14.51 skrev Joachim Blaabjerg: > Hi again people, > > I got an ADSL line installed yesterday (just waiting for the modem to arrive, > probably on friday), and I'm eager to install Gentoo. Nice! > I'm thinking I could solve the problem of which packages to include by having a > 'use secure (or whatever) && die "This package is not supported in the secure > distro [blah blah]"' directive in the packages that won't be included (like > XFree86, KDE, Gnome, etc.). We don't want to add this to all ebuilds not supporting the secure-stuff. This will be very hard and unmaintainable. Better would be to create a profile which includes packages and version and then use that profile for the secured version (thus not making it possible to install any other packages). Regards, Mikael Hallendal -- Mikael Hallendal Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Leader CodeFactory AB, Stockholm, Sweden