sön 2002-01-06 klockan 22.19 skrev David A. Desrosiers: > > > If anyone is interested it was pilot-link that had a broken > > configure-script causing it not to build with iconv support. :) First, next time you send a one month delayed reply to a list it would be nice if you didn't cut out who wrote the first mail (it turned out to be me). > Actually, no. Your build of pilot-link wasn't built properly. That is the entire problem. > Please don't blame pilot-link for incorrect builds. If the problem that pilot-link doesn't get built correctly is the fault of pilot-link it should be blamed. > The script works fine on my machine, and on many other machines that > have included iconv support. That isn't always equal to the script being correct though. > If there's a bug, please submit a patch to the file in question, or > report the bug at bugs.pilot-link.org. The problem was that configure found iconv in our glibc but it didn't set HAVE_ICONV=1 in pi-config.h. If I did echo "#define HAVE_ICONV 1" >> pi-config.h after configure had run it built correctly with ICONV support. So I think that in someway the configure-script was broken. Haven't had time to look more deeply into it. Might also be our autoconf but I haven't had any problems with any other packages than pilot-link. Regards, Mikael Hallendal -- Mikael Hallendal Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop Team Leader CodeFactory AB, Stockholm, Sweden